Stott Pilates

Mixed ability Pilates classes

Main Village Hall (old Chilton) on both Monday and Tuesday mornings 10-10.45am
Community Room (newer Chilton Field estate) on Monday evenings 6.30-7.15pm plus 7.30-8.15pm and Wednesday evenings 7-7.45pm.
Classes are run during school term times usually in blocks of 5-7 weeks which are payable in advance.  I also aim to offer some Pop-up Pilates classes throughout the School Summer holidays.

My name is Leanne and my business is ‘Back to the Core – Massage and Pilates’.  I am a fully insured Stott Pilates Mat-work Level 2 Instructor and have been running my Pilates classes since Nov 2015.  I offer small group classes to ensure that everyone can get the attention they require which are very warm and friendly and mixed ability so open to everyone.  I like to keep the personal touch so if you would like more information please do not hesitate to contact me directly either via email: or on my mobile:  07523 992329.
For your own safety, all attendees are required to complete an online Health Screening/Informed Consent form and attend an Introductory session before joining any of my classes. 
I am also a qualified Massage Therapist operating only a mile away or in the comfort of your own home if you prefer.

For our full list of regular hirers, return to the regular hirers page