
What We Do

The Chilton Village Hall Management Committee is sub a committee of the Parish Council, comprised of a group of local people living in the village (old and new). Each member is a volunteer offering their time to our local community. The group is responsible for the general running and upkeep of the Village Hall and Community Room including: maintenance, finances, bookings, cleaning, fire/alarm systems, utilities, insurance and licensing. They are also always looking to improve the facilities (funds permitting!) and range of activities available to the community.

The committee holds its AGM in June each year where a new committee is nominated.  CVHMC is always looking to recruit new members.  If you think you would be interested in joining us, we’d be very happy to hear from you.  We are a friendly group, so please contact one of the current committee members for more information and come along to one of our committee meetings.

Contact details for committee:

Bookings –

Chair –

Committee –

Parish Clerk –

Secretary –

Treasurer –